It’s Monday and we’re back at it again at Podtrificus Totalus, the only Harry Potter podcast that spends roughly half the runtime debating the pedagogical methods at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry!
This chapter takes Prisoner of Azkaban into Hogwarts and keeps Harry out of the Halloween trip to Hogsmeade. As he mopes about the castle, he ends up in Professor Lupin’s office for tea and a conversation about fear. While Lupin believes Harry wise for fearing the Dementors most of all, the end of the chapter should perhaps heighten Harry’s fear about Sirius Black, who attacks the portrait of the Fat Lady that guards Gryffindor Common Room…
We make a number of references to outside sources and popular culture, which are listed below:
Final Fantasy VII (1997)
Mulan (1998)
Red Caps on the Harry Potter Lexicon
Kappas on the Harry Potter Lexicon
Binky Barnes from the children’s television show Arthur
Ambrosius Flume on the Harry Potter Lexicon
Ranking of sweets in the Wizarding World on Wizarding World
Grindylow on the Harry Potter Lexicon
Our Spell of the Week (or Creature of the Week) is the Grindylow, one of which sits with Lupin’s office, ready for some finger-breakin’ practical learning in the next Defense Against the Dark Arts lesson.