It’s Monday and Podtrificus Totalus, a Harry Potter podcast done chapter by chapter, book by book, is here to tell you the good news about baby genius Ginny Weasley.
This week sees Harry attempt to rescue Ginny from her fate in the Chamber. There, he encounters the memory ghost of Tom Riddle, who has been controlling Ginny and forcing her to open the Chamber this whole time. Harry must fight the Basilisk and escape with his friends (plus Professor Lockhart).
We make a number of references to outside sources and popular culture, which are listed below:
“Wild About Harry” interview with Candis Magazine (Jennie Renton; November 2001)
Chamber of Secrets DVD Interview with Steve Kloves and J.K. Rowling (Lizo Mzimba; February 2003)
Ultimate Unofficial Guide to the Mysteries of Harry Potter by Galadriel Waters (Ed. Astre Mithrandir; Published by Wizarding World Press in 2003)
im14andthisisdeep, a subreddit
“Finsta,” slang for Fake Instagram
Lord Voldemort’s middle name on Adventures on the Bookshelf
Translations of the “I am Lord Voldemort” anagram on the Harry Potter Wiki
Godric’s sword was practical too on AccioBrain
The Age of the Weasleys, an essay by Troels Forchhammeron the Harry Potter Lexicon
Our Spell of the Week for this episode is not a spell but a creature: Phoenixes! Joe tells us about all the magical abilities of this special bird.