It’s Monday and Podtrificus Totalus, a Harry Potter podcast done chapter by chapter, is back to talk about some current events and some giant spiders.
In this week’s chapter, Harry and Ron follow Hagrid’s advice to follow the spiders. This brings them into the Forbidden Forest, where they encounter an old friend and a new threat, uncovering some information about when the Chamber was opened last.
We make a number of references to outside sources and popular culture, which are listed below:
Max & Ruby, a children’s book and television series
Aragog on the Harry Potter Lexicon
Gog and Magog on Wikipedia
Gog and Magog on the Encyclopedia Britannica
Gogmagog on Wikipedia
The Wand-Lighting Charm on the Harry Potter Wiki
Our Spell of the Week is Lumos, the Wand-Lighting Charm, which Harry uses to help them see in the dark forest.
In lieu of our usual links to our social media accounts and places where we subscribe, we would like our listeners to seek out Black and queer creators and voices instead. Some excellent people that we enjoy and would like to promote include Black Girls Create, House of Black Podcast, Kimya Dawson, The Gayly Prophet Podcast, Austin Walker and the Friends at the Table podcast, Ludo Bagman and the Trash, Wizards in Space, and the Wrock Snob among many, many others. We also encourage our listeners who have the financial means to spare even a few dollars to donate to Black Lives Matter and other, related funds. Act Blue has set up a page where you can spread your donation out among (at the time of writing) over 70 bail funds, mutual aid funds, and activist organizations.