2.9 The Writing on the Wall

This week on Podtrificus Totalus, a Harry Potter podcast done chapter by chapter, book by book, Cassie and Joe debate whether Squibs should be allowed to attend Hogwarts for chapter nine of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, “The Writing on the Wall.”

Having just been discovered at the scene of Mrs. Norris’s petrification, Harry, Ron, and Hermione are interrogated by their professors about their involvement. They’re released, but they have questions about the Chamber of Secrets that need answering–and a mystery they have to solve before all the Muggle-born students in the school are targeted.

We make a number of references to outside sources, which are listed below:

Our Spell of the Week this week is an unnamed Transfiguration spell that Fred uses to transform Ron’s teddy bear into a spider after Ron breaks his toy broomstick.

« 2.8 The Deathday Party 2.10 The Rogue Bludger »