We’re coming at you a few hours later than usual with a new episode of Podtrificus Totalus, a Harry Potter podcast done chapter by chapter, book by book.
In chapter six of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Ron gets a Howler from Mrs. Weasley and must deal with his broken wand, Harry unwillingly gets a few lessons in fame from Gilderoy Lockhart, and Hermione cleans up the mess of their incompetent Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher.
We make a number of references to outside sources, which are listed below:
Fantastically Wrong: The Murderous Plant That Grows From the Blood of Hanged Men on Wired
Mandrake on the Harry Potter Lexicon
Falstaff’s reference to mandrakes in “Henry IV,” Act I, Scene 2 and “Henry IV,” Part II, Act III, Scene 2
The Earl of Suffolk’s reference to mandrakes in “Henry VI,” Part II, Act III, Scene 2
Juliet’s reference to mandrakes in “Romeo and Juliet,” Act IV, Scene 3
Justin Finch-Fletchley on the Harry Potter Lexicon
Ultimate Unofficial Guide to the Mysteries of Harry Potter by Galadriel Waters (Ed. Astre Mithrandir; Published by Wizarding World Press in 2003)
Colin on Behind the Name
Order of Merlin on Wizarding World
The Freezing Charm on the Harry Potter Wiki
Our Spell of the Week is the Freezing Charm, which Hermione uses to stop the pixies that Lockhart releases in class