1.16 Through the Trapdoor

It’s Monday, and that means it’s time for a new episode of Podtrificus Totalus, a Harry Potter podcast done chapter by chapter, book by book.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione take their final exams, but Harry is bothered by his scar burning and warning him of approaching danger. They learn that Dumbledore has been summoned away from Hogwarts and realize it is up to them to protect the Philosopher’s Stone from Snape and Voldemort.

We make a number of references to outside sources and popular culture, which are listed below:

Our Spell of the Week for this episode is Petrificus Totalus, which Hermione uses to paralyze Neville when he stands up to them.

« 1.15 The Forbidden Forest 1.17 The Man with Two Faces »