It’s time to serve detention and explore the menacing Forbidden Forest on Podtrificus Totalus, a Harry Potter read along podcast done chapter by chapter, book by book.
After foolishly forgetting the Invisibility Cloak, Harry and Hermione are caught in their dragon disappearing act by Filch. McGonagall deducts a kiloton of points from Gryffindor House for their transgressions, and Harry, Hermione, Neville, and Draco serve out their punishments in the Forbidden Forest, where a mysterious evil lurks.
We make a number of references to outside sources and popular culture, which are listed below:
The “I Am the Danger” scene in Breaking Bad
Unicorns, the national animal of Scotland
Ronan, a name meaning “little seal”
Seel, the Pokémon
Mars, the Roman god of war
Isildur’s Bane from The Lord of the Rings
Chiron, a centaur from Greek mythology
Red Sparks on the HP Wiki
Our Spell of the Week for this episode is the charm for red sparks, Vermillius, which Hagrid taught the children before placing them in mortal danger.