1.09 The Midnight Duel

That’s right — Podtrificus Totalus is back! After a long interlude, Cassie and Joe pick up once again to do a Harry Potter podcast, chapter by chapter, book by book.

This week’s episode covers chapter nine of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, “The Midnight Duel.” Harry’s conflict with Draco Malfoy reaches new heights during flying lessons when Draco snatches Neville’s Remembrall. Draco challenges Harry to a duel at night, and Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Neville are left to discover the mystery of the forbidden third floor corridor.

We make a number of references to outside sources and pop culture in this episode, which are listed below:

Our spell of the week for this episode is Alohomora, as performed by Hermione to open the door to the third floor corridor.

Thanks for listening and we’ll see you again for 1.10, “Halloween!” Have a magical day!

« 1.08 The Potions Master 1.10 Halloween »