We’re back after a short break for a new episode of Podtrificus Totalus, a Harry Potter podcast done chapter by chapter, book by book!
This week’s episode covers chapter seven of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, “The Sorting Hat.” Harry and his fellow first-years at last arrive at Hogwarts and face the titular Sorting Hat, who places them into the four houses: Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin.
We make a number of references to outside sources and pop culture in this episode, which are listed below:
Neville Chamberlain, former Prime Minister
Longbotom Leaf from J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings trilogy
The Fat Friar on the Harry Potter Wiki
Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington on the Harry Potter Wiki
Lewis Carroll’s “Jabberwocky”
/u/principled_principal’s thread about Michael Gambon on /r/harrypotter
Ultimate Unofficial Guide to the Mysteries of Harry Potter by Galadriel Waters (Ed. Astre Mithrandir; Published by Wizarding World Press in 2003)
Our spell of the week for this episode is Spongify, which Neville may have used when dangled out of a window by his uncle. We also answer a listener email correcting us on information from 1.05 Diagon Alley.